
 ARUBA 2019

My family and I went to Aruba just a few weeks ago and had an amazing time there. We opted for an AirBnB house instead of a high-rise resort. Mostly because of the high cost but also because we wanted a bit more privacy. Our grandparents were supposed to go with us but backed out last minute due to health issues. We were all really bummed about this because it was supposed to be a four generation trip for us. Plus, this might have been the last chance they had of going anywhere.

We decided to make the most of it and have fun especially since we had Everly with us. It was her first time in Aruba and we couldn't wait to show her the beach and pool. She is a water baby after all!

Here are a few pictures from our recent trip to Aruba. If you are going to Aruba soon and have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comments below!

Everly & Grandparents ♥ 
Everly & Grandma ♥ 

Palm Beach, Aruba - Twinning with my girl, Ev!

Our little family photo taken at our AirBnB backyard oasis.

I love her little 'fake' smile. It cracks us up!

We went on an epic UTV adventure to the desert side of the island! It got dusty!

We trekked our way down the cliff so we could take a dip in the natural pool! We even got to snorkel a bit.

Aruba's Natural Bridge, which is part of the Arikok National Park. Yes, they have a national park there!

Posing in front of our UTV - I got to drive on the way back! It was so fun.
One of the stops from our UTV Tour by De Palm Tours. 

Daddy & Daughter Time!

I'm so glad Everly received 6 weeks of swim lessons before this trip! 

We went to the pool every single day - Thanks Airbnb!

She had a blast. I miss this place already!

It's always a blessing when your baby takes a nap on the beach!
Cooling ourselves off with an Acai Bowl from Eduardo's Beach Shack!

Look how blue the water is...Beautiful! Taken at Eagle Beach.

Since it was super windy, we hid under the umbrella & played with the sand.

One of the fish fillets we had in Aruba - absolutely delicious! 

@ Madame Janettes

My amaaaaazing almond crusted grouper dish. So so good.

@Screaming Eagle Lounge & Restaurant

One of the coolest dining experiences we've had! Dinner in bed?! YES PLEASE! 

@ Baby Beach - this beach was PERFECT for Everly and other kiddos. The water was so shallow and calm!

Can you just picture yourself there now? :)

Watching her sleep in my arms makes my heart so happy. My baby forever.

Overall, it was a great family trip. It was nice to see my brother and his wife, too! I can't wait to have more family adventures in the future. It is a HUGE help having other family members lend their hands with Everly. It was a little tough on the day we left due to the long wait times at customs and then the flight itself. Everly was cutting new teeth left and right so she was pretty miserable. I'm so relieved that the people on our flight were understanding and didn't give us dirty looks. That would've added to the stress piling up. I took a picture of Everly sleeping on my chest on our flight back home because I realized that she's never going to be this little again. She's only going to get bigger and that makes me feel so sad but excited at the same time. We love her so much. 

I mean, look at those cheeks! Just want to squeeeeeeze them!!

I hope you enjoyed my Aruba pictures! Let me know if you are traveling to Aruba any time soon. It really is a beautiful island with warm weather all year round. If you'd like me to create a separate post on Things To Do in Aruba, then just leave a comment below! I would love to give you some tips and suggestions.

Thanks for reading my first travel post!

Liz ♥